Monday, May 23, 2016


 Have you guys ever gone fishing if you have, are you good, and finally if you are good well you should sign up for the sport. Did you guys know that fishing is a very concentrated sport. The person that created fishing as a sport was going by the name of Charles Kirby. 

                                        Here are some pictures of the sport fishing  


                                          And finally here is another one


Thank you very much guys bye!!!!!!!! Adios

Monday, May 9, 2016

Hunting(Mythology Style)

  Have you ever gone hunting? If you have what were you hunting? They are so many questions people ask to these brave people going hunting(hunting is a sport). If you ever gone hunting that is great if you didn't it is OK because I am going to tell you about the cool sport and it's founder. 1) They person who invented hunting were the early humans The Cavemen.2) It became a sport in June 11th 2014. Finally in hunting they usually hunt birds, fish, alligators, pigs, and other famous hunting animals.    

                        Here are some pictures of some weapons they use in hunting


                                                And here is another one


 Thank You for reading this blog. Have a nice day peace!

Monday, April 25, 2016


  Wrestling one of my favorite sports because it so popular and so funny because people are fighting and it is all FAKE and people think it is real. Also many people get injured because of an "accident". They mostly get injured because of anger when they fight each other for real and also because of just plain fun.
                 Here are some pictures of wrestlers   

                                   And here is another one!


And finally we have come to the end of this blog and I hope you enjoy it. Bye!!!!!!!

Monday, March 21, 2016


  Boxing is a very bloody, dangerous, and to me very entertaining sport that back in the days never really had any rules. It was founded by an argument with a butler and butcher and it was that they were to fight with their bare-knuckles. The year it was founded is 1681 in Britain. Hera re some pictures of boxing and some famous people who played this sport.

                                                             This is Muhammad Ali


                                                   This is boxing match

 Now you guys/readers know more about boxing and the history about this amazing sport even if it can get really bloody thanks and

                                                          THE END

Monday, March 7, 2016

Amazing Games!!!

 Hello fellow friends/bloggers what is your favorite game or hobby to do when you are bored and why is it your favorite game or hobby. Well I know that my favorite thing to do when I am bored is play basketball and football because it is such a fun active game. Also when I am bored I play chess with my little brother when he is available.

                             Here are some pictures of some of the amazing things I do

                                                         and also here is another one


I hope you enjoyed this blog and please if you can post in the comments what your favorite hobbies are. Adios amigos peace.

Monday, February 22, 2016


 Today we will be talking about the history of tennis and how you play it and finally what makes it sooo! popular. Let's start off with the history of it and and how it was founded, the person who started the whole tennis thing was going by the name of Major Walter C. Wingfeild. He came up with the idea by using a racket and hitting a small ball and called it tennis. Here are some pictures of what people playing tennis and a tennis ball and racket.


                                                         and another one is  


   Now you know more or a lot more about tennis and i hope you enjoyed how i taught it to you so if you enjoyed please comment enjoy.

Monday, February 15, 2016

What I learned from my classes water presentation

 Last week on Friday I watched other people talk and inform us about our water and what these "big" water companies do to our water. One of our classmates said that many of our plastic water bottles have been thrown away in the ocean,rivers, and streams. Also another classmate said that the water we throw in rivers and etc and little fish and big fish eat it and we eat them so basically we eat plastic fish. Here are some pictures of the disgusting oceans and ugly fish that have eaten plastic.


                                          and here is the horrible oceans we swim in and use


 Now you know some more about our water resources and what we (The Americans) have done to the water on Earth and why we need to protect it from the harmful toxins and bottles that are polluting it.


Thursday, February 11, 2016


 How many of you guys reading my blog drink plastic water bottles? If you do where do you put them and where are you supposed to put them? Many people fail to realize that almost everyday millions of plastic water bottles around the world are thrown away in the wrong spot and it goes into things we eat such as fish and other sea creatures that will eat it, or that the water we drink is basically unhealthy, unsafe, and finally disgusting water. Here is a question for who all out there. Do you know where we get our water and how much water we use everyday as humans? Think about it if everyone in the world recycled water bottles the Earth would be a millions times better than it is now, there is said to be a garbage plastic landfill that is the size of Texas maybe bigger in the ocean just stacked there for fish to eat.

 Here are some pictures of what the world looks like now compared to what it looked like in the past and what it will look like in the future.




In the future:

 Now you guys have seen proof of what the world has been going through and how bad we as humans have been to it, so a little tip is start throwing plastic water bottles away where there are supposed to. Also and finally encourage others to throw away plastic water bottles for example: If you see a man/women throw a plastic water bottle in the wrong place or just litter correct them and show them what they did wrong and maybe you can change the Earth and maybe be recognized for it. The End!!!!!!!



Monday, February 1, 2016


Today I will be talking to you about another exiting/bloody game played in ancient times that was played with Gladiators. This bloody game was mainly focusing on amusement, the Gladiators were supposed to kill the their opponent for amusement of they guests that were watching in the theater. To some it all up fighting with Gladiators is to the death and there is no way out.

                                             Here are some pictures of this bloody sport

                                                        And here is another one


Now you know about this bloody sport that gladiators play and why people are so brave enough to die out there. My advice to you guys that are reading this is to never ever do this bloody sport in real life and not even in joke because you can actually hurt somebody in this sport.


Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Who started the Olympics??? Answer:Greeks

Today i will be talking about the Olympics, who first started it, and finally how it goes and how it runs. First off lets start out with who started the Olympics? The civilization that started the Olympics were called........... the Greeks they were they first one to start it. They were the ones who came up with the Olympics and started this great tradition that we celebrate every 4 years. The Olympics to me are a whole bunch of sports that are held in that particular place and time and very popular and billions of people LOVE it.

                                               Here are some pictures of the Olympics


                                                                  And finally


            Now that you know that you more about the Olympics you should watch or try to join it in the future.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Mort(Mythology Sports)

Today i will be talking about different mythology gods and goddess who loved to play sports or just played sports for fun. The first god/goddess that played a sport/s was Zeus he played a sport called discus throwing with his brothers Poseidon and Hades and started to get popular over the years it was around. The game was played by someone throwing a Frisbee to another person and they kept on doing that throughout ancient times.

                                       Here is a picture of people playing the sport



                                                         And here is another picture


 Now that you know more about this sport who should try to play it yourself our with friends and get to now the game better and how fun it would be to play a very old sport.


Monday, January 4, 2016

Planning for 2016

  Today i am going to talk to you about what i am going to differently in 2016 and how this will be a better life for me and finally some sneak peaks of what i am going to write in the future. First, i am going to mix the two different blogs of mythology and sports and put them together. For example i am going to talk about mythology but see what type of sports they'd played in the past and how they played it.So i hope you like it and the idea. I know this will be a better year for me because i made big plans and i believe i can do it.

                                      Here some pictures of both sports and mythology


                                              And here is a famous basketball player


             Thank you for reading this blog and you have a happy and amazing 2016.